My Bartholin's Cyst Cure: Goldenseal Root
I have experienced Bartholin's Gland Cysts for about a year. Through research, trial and error I found what works for me. If you are suffering and do not want to opt for surgical removal like myself. It's worth a shot.
Goldenseal Root works for me. I found it while researching remedies for cysts online.Goldenseal Root is a powerful herb that affects female hormones. It is considered to be a tumor-dissolving agent and also regulates menstrual bleeding. It also fights bacterial infections and boosts the immune system. I have made Goldenseal Root poultices and included it in my sitz baths and have experienced success.
The first time the cyst was a very small lump. I put four 520mg Goldenseal Capsules into my very warm sitz bath. I massaged the area continuously for about an hour and a half. Afterwards there was no lump. All of the fluid was drained. I didn't get too excited because it was my first time. Last week I felt another lump forming. It got bigger a day ago and became uncomfortable. Take two with the Goldenseal! I added 3 Goldenseal 520mg Capsules to my warm sitz bath and massaged the area for about 1 hour. I was not experiencing it getting any smaller like previously. Once out of the sitz bath I applied a Goldenseal Poultice using
Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil and half a capsule of Goldenseal Root onto a clean cotton round. I put it directly on the cyst and applied my hot water bottle to it while falling asleep. I also took one Goldenseal Root Capsule with my food. This morning I turned in the bed and felt it pop. I was very happy that it popped in 1 day. I have never experienced it popping that quickly before. I always had them for at least a week and they would become inflamed and very, very, very painful. So I recommend pure Goldenseal Root in Capsule form. I got mine online at Puritan. Im sure you can find them in any vitamin store. Good luck! I hope it works for you like it has for me.
Things that didn't work for me despite finding/ reading it has worked for others:
I have tried "Phoebes Remedy" which irritated my skin and made it feel raw.
Tea Tree Oil alone and diluted with carrier oils.
Epsom Salt Poultice.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric Poultices,
Epsom Salt and
Sea Salt Sitz Baths, Hot Compresses. Witch Hazel, Calamine. I even decided to go vegan. Stopped all meat and dairy and minimized processed foods. Ate plenty of fruits and vegetables, lemon, ginger, garlic, onions. Although the weight-loss and being more frequent was great it didn't prevent the dreaded Bartholin Cyst from forming. My advice is do not be discouraged to go on a journey to find what works for you.