So after 4 weeks with this protocol your lips dont peel, thats great. What do you do during the day? do you apply anything (bepanthol)? I just would like to wait until you will stop the protocol, keep us updated!
Concerning the "white stuff" or "white gunk" on the lips....i have this too but i don't think it has anything to do with EC! also its not fungal infection or anything like that.... its just accumulated dried saliva so its normal. Everyone has that and thats the main reason why people lick or rub their lips on a regular basis. However when you have EC you will have crusts on your lips and those crusts will act like a kind of "dam" so saliva will tend to accumulate more than on normal lips. Its exactly the same for me and this "white stuff" always goes away while eating, taking shower or brushing my teeth!