Re: water fasting with Bernard Jensens Chlorophyll? AND Serrapeptase
I find it rather strange that you have developed a benign tumor, after living from a vegan diet for over 20 years. Was this a strict vegan diet and wholefood plant-based one?
Vegan doesn't always mean healthy. Eating when not hungry (regardless of the diet) can have the same outcome: toxemia, resulting in growths due to inefficient elimination and therefore retained toxins.
In my view the Liver needs no support at all, as the body is a self-healing/repairing/maintaining organism. Serrapeptase will do as you say, but then no more efficiently than Autolysis on the fast: a discerning process of the body in eliminating/absorbing growths/cysts/tumors/boils etc, and other toxins as a priority.
I would also be concerned about a product that is sold as chlorophyll that contains sodium chloride (salt) which can lead to a myriad of health problems. Sodium chloride is inorganic and of no use to the body as a source of sodium, so while your body is attempting to eliminate it on the fast, you will just be adding to your toxicity. Fuel on the fire some might say.