Re: Ron Paul has a few questions...
some men are retarded and devolved 2 steps backwards in the wrong direction, they must go back 3 steps to come forward again in the correct direction.
Gods people do not need leaders, they already have Gods law inside of them and are not trespassers.
you want to save a world of people that refuse to follow "ten simple commandments" TEN SIMPLE RULES OF DECENCY, see Moses.The torah and all christianity and most all world religions are based on TEN SIMPLE RULES OF DECENCY, that con_fused souls simply refuse to follow. murderers do not want to be saved, they want to murder.
kill, kill, kill, destroy, destroy, destroy is programmed into their very cells, thier biocellular programs.
Muslims follow God, Allah, do they really need a reptillian run, red necked, yee haa, oil wildcatter and opium dope purveyor puppet selling them GE made teflon, coat hanger heart stents?
queen of england did same in her opium wars w/ asia. its called colonialization, collonialism, ran sacking of natural resources, loot and plunder, robbing resources by force.
ghinghis khan did it, the old vikings did it, georgies g.i jody boys are just juiced to kill, they do not have the kill out of their under developed systems yet, kill kill kill courses thru their destructive veins and brains...what do you think marines are taught, they are taught 101 ways to kill life.
it takes about 18 to 21 years of work to raise a decent human being. It takes one minute to destroy a life. No talent there.
ask annunki what to do with dupes who are paid robot brainwashed slaves and murderers for reptilian run wars.Stupid men will kill for 8.50 an hour. In usa, a hired killer costs 50 cents and a bj.
no shortage of lunatic mercenaries 4 hire out there...
sen kennedy said the mid east war was another vietnam.
vietnam was the golden triangle to garner heroin
afghan is to garner opium
iran, oil
evil consumes and destroys only itself
who do you want us to call to stop paid losers from dropping bombs on unarmed bedowin shepherds? Annunki the reptilian queen of england buster????
some men are retarded and devolved 2 steps backwards in the wrong direction, they must go back 3 steps to come forward again in the correct direction.
Gods people do not need leaders, they already have Gods law inside of them and are not trespassers.
you want to save a world of people that refuse to follow "ten simple commandments" TEN SIMPLE RULES OF DECENCY, see Moses, the torah and all christianity and most all world religions are based on TEN SIMPLE RULES OF DECENCY, that con_fused souls simply refuse to follow.
Muslims follow God, Allah, do they really need a reptillian run reck necked oil wildcatter and opium dope purveyor puppet telling them anything?
queen of england did same in her opium wars w/ asia. its called colonialization, collonialism, ran sacking of natural resources.
ghinghis khan did it, the old vikings did it, georgies g.i jody boys are just juiced to kill, they do not have the kill, out of their under developed systems yet, kill kill kill courses thru their destructive brains...what do you think marines are taught, they are taught 101 ways to killlife.
it takes about 18 to 21 years of work to raise a decent human being. It takes one minute to destroy a life. No talent.
ask annunki what to do with dupes who are paid robot brainwashed slaves and murderersfor reptilian run wars, stupid men will kill for 8.50 an hour. In usa, a hired killer costs 50 cents and a bj.
no shortage of lunatic mercenaries 4 hire out there...
sen kennedy said the mid east war was another vietnam
vietnam was the golden triangle to garner heroin
afghan is to garner opium
iran, oil
evil consumes and destroys only itself
who do you want us to call to stop paid losers from dropping bombs on unarmed bedowin shepherds? Annunki the reptilian queen of england buster????