Just so those of you who may be interested know, it has been confirmed in real life cases that Omega Herbal 48 (formerly Omega Wash) can turn one's status from Positive to Negative. I reported before that we have seen a lot of improvement with serious cases using OH 48 but now we have proven cases of HIV positive people turning negative. I have solicited for testimonials from people who might have tried it but nothing has been forthcoming from users of this forum. Well, I am not associated with the sales of the product and get nothing from its purchase, after all no one is going to buy from me but I am acting in good faith only. What we are realizing is that it works better on cases that have not been exposed to ARVS/HAARTS maybe because these introduces too much toxins to one's system. In such cases one needs to be on the product for like 6 months to see a change of status. Otherwise, 6 bottles spanning like 2 months is all one needs. Whatever the case however, an improvement of conditions is 'almost guaranteed'. My 2 cents to the 'community'.