Maybe I am looking towards a time when I am living more like the Amish...where I used to live in Missouri, we had several large Amish communities. You could find things like "crank-blenders". I do see your point although I am less apt to drink water from trees which have set under chem-trails as much as we are sprayed down here. I even worry some about the garden since its not so easy to know how much of an effect it has on the food grown. I do the intent thing though where I bless the broccoli and munch away.
Lots of places in New Orleans still living primatively with there is a sobering thought past the 30 days. I could see myself just digging a large shallow pit and putting a large sheet of clear plastic down with a pan underneath and getting water that way in a dire-worst case scenario situation...I hope in my highest of hopes we would not ever get that bad, but Katrina and the government response wasnt a laughing matter and the hurricane predictions for this year are not encouraging. It feels like a big game of chance...ggg.
Okay, so I will abandon the solar distiller line of have plenty of oregano oil and can filter any water pretty efficiently...even have a lake nearby...