Head Cold got ya?
Hi Ya'll,
How many folks have recently been bothered with a head cold and/or sinus problems this past Full Moon that has just passed?
How many folks were still eating tropical fruits of some kind or fruits grown and matured in warm weather?
How many folks have connected the eating of tropical fruits durign cold weather and getting head colds and/or sinus problems?
How many folks have eaten banannas, oranges and other such fruit during cold weather and end up with head colds and/or sinus problems?
How come do tropical fruits cause head colds and/or sinus problems when eaten in cold weather?
All tropical fruits and vegetables grown and matured in hot weather contain much more potassium in ratio to the amount of Sodium.
If we make the poor choice to eat High Potassium foods in the cold weather our cell structure cannot hold its water, thus the cells release their internal water to the outside of the cell structure causing a cooling effect. When cold weather is present our body cannot keep warm and we come down with head colds and sinus problems then.
Sodium causes the cells to retain their water, thus stay warmer in cold weather.
Consider Monkeys, when they live in Hot weather climates they only eat Tropical fruit in Hot weather, when the weather turns cold the tropical fruits are no longer available to eat.
Why are Monkeys smarter than some people?
Why do some people make the poor choice to eat foods that are not Natural to the climate we are living in?
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death.
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Smile Tis your choice.