It is important to note that Bariani Olive Oil is Certified Organic. Emanuele, the salesman, adds that "the lady from the Department of Agriculture lives next door; you bet she has her eye on our orchard." The oil keeps 18-24 months in good storage conditions (a cool and dark place) and the Barianis point out that "our grandmother in Italy has had it for five years and it still tastes fresh." As all good cooks know, not all olive oils are created equal. This oil is not only molto bene but also doesn't cause a gasp at the price: $14 for a liter, as compared to more than $50 charged for some Californian olive oils. Our tasting panel gave it a thumbs-up as great for dipping in bread or tossing with pasta but cautioned it might be a little strong for salads. Pure olive oil is better for sautéeing since it has a higher smoke point. Some found it "pungent with a real olive taste" others "nice and meaty" and "smooth." With its gorgeous emerald color and robust character, you have a truly natural, no-fault, high-quality product with a new orchard blend for balance and consistency.
there is also a good glossary for olive oil terms and what to look for. i love it!