Iodine and Mercury?
Since starting on
Iodine + co-sups two months ago, I have been doing a whole lot of reading up on the subject of
Iodine and the myriad of benefits. One of the things that is mentioned--in passing, for the most part--is its effect on mercury.
In one of his talks, Brownstein mentions this, but presents data only for the fluoride and bromide expulsion from his patients. In his book, he does not mention mercury. Unless I somehow missed it, which i doubt, he only give verbal nod to this topic in his presentations.
Dr. Tenpenny mentions Mercury detox with
Iodine in her talk (the video posted here recently) but again, no real depth on the subject.
Given the lack of information on this topic, and the fact that the atomic weight of Mercury is heavier than Iodine, what are your thoughts on displacement? Is this possible? For what reasons may the experts be giving mention but nothing more?
Any other
Science nerds like myself thought about this one?