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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Ginagirl Views: 1,343
Published: 13 y
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How dare you to link a library like this, lol. I frequently read a book for breakfast, now I have meals for several days.

"Numerous other scientists have replicated high dilution experiments, and several have endorsed and successfully repeated experiments using digitized information for molecular communication. The most unassailable tests of homeopathy were performed in Glasgow by Dr. David Reilly. Despite the scientific design of his tests, although The Lancet agreed to publish the results, the journal simply refused to accept them. [52]

It seems that Benveniste’s theory of molecular communication would fit into the expanded biological coherence model, but the difference in frequency between Fröhlich’s model, in the 10-100 GHz (microwave) frequency range, and Benveniste’s, below 20 kHz, will need to be explored.

A Connection Between Biophotons and Homeopathy; Between Popp and Benveniste?

Popp believes biophotons orchestrate body processes, and his work on biophoton emission seems often to be sited as an explanation for homeopathy, without actually explaining the details of how the two might be related. [53]

Jacques Benveniste and his work are also often associated in popular literature with Popp and biophotonics. This is especially true in Lynn McTaggart’s book The Field, which may be the source for many of the popular associations.

The precise character of the association of Popp and biophotons on the one hand and Benveniste and homeopathy on the other is not clear.

In terms of technical collaboration, I can find no evidence that Popp and Benveniste ever spoke to one another. Although both Popp and Benveniste did much of their work prior to the mid 1990’s, I could find neither studies, nor collections of studies, to which both Popp and Benveniste have contributed to. On the other hand, Popp and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho have collaborated frequently.

In McTaggart’s book, the concept of “signature frequency” appears to be important in determining the details of exactly how biophotons might orchestrate low frequency body processes. The central issue seems to be ambiguity in use of the term “frequency” and definition of “signature frequencies”.

McTaggart states that Popp found that molecules in cells would respond to certain frequencies and that a range of vibrations from the photons would cause a variety of frequencies in other molecules of the body. She also states that “the biophoton vibrations Popp had observed in the body caused molecules to vibrate and create their own signature frequency, which acted as its driving force and also its means of communication. ” [54]

McTaggart further states that Benveniste learned how vibrations of Popp’s biophotons could cause new molecules to vibrate and create their own signature frequency, even in the absence of physical molecules. “ If photons in the body excite molecules along the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies, it is logical that they would have their own signature frequencies.” [55]

“Signature frequency” is a well known concept in conventional physics. Atoms and molecules have signature frequencies of vibration in the range of visible light which are detected by absorption spectroscopic analysis. [56]"



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