Seeking personal intimacy with God is definitely the most important thing that any of us can do while we are living here on this earth.
Yes, yes yes!
It is a shame that so many of us are too busy with other things that we neglect this most important thing.
Yes Rainy. It is within everyone's grasp to choose the things of God over the many distractions the enemy wants us to choose instead. We can do it and deeper intimacy with the living God is the reward.
I hope we will all support each other who may be seeking to attain this in the greatest way possible.
Me too. In every way possible.
What do you think some of the benefits of this intimacy will be in our lives should we attain it?
Lots of peace, joy and all of the other fruits of the spirit. Feeling tangibly our love for Him and His love for us. Really a very nice taste of heaven while still on this earth. Also more and more surprising and wonderful gifts will be given us to His glory and as tools to help others to know His love for them.