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Re: Mo, what about Jordan Protesters?
mo123 Views: 1,315
Published: 13 y
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Re: Mo, what about Jordan Protesters?

I have not heard that. I did hear some protestors are asking for the ousting of the King but I would never ever be in favor of Hamza being King. I personally like King Abdullah very much. He sent me on the pilgrimage for free and paid all expenses when I first came to Jordan. He sent a personal escourt to make sure I was very well taken care of also and even gave me money when I returned from my trip. so for me I am very upset about the new price increases but I do not want a new king.


I checked the latest news and it is not good. Look if a teacher makes 300 a month and they have a family of 4 to feed, this now means that they either cannot eat properly or there is no heat in their homes. A father faced with crying and hungry children will resort to desperate matters. We do not have a food stamp program like you do in America.

So now the family relies more on rice and macaronni to eat with causing more illness and cancers and thus costing the government more money. There is no longer a desire for fruits and vegetables which have gone up 4 times last year and so shops close and unemployment rises.

The price of oil went up 54% in some cases. There were other ways to cut costs in Jordan. But anyone who insults the king can spend 3 years in jail. So for those protesting asking for the removal of the king are taking a chance on being imprisoned and the intelligence agents are all over the protests snapping photos.

To me protests are futile. The government has decided and we can do very little now. The people are angry and it is justified. Even I am looking for a way to pay these new costs which are reflected not only in fuel but food costs, bus, taxi, labor costs ect. It is a sad time for Jordanians.



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