Re: Absess in root canal
Are there issues with implants, aside from the cost!
I simply would not let anybody put any metal into my mouth after having all the mercury, and rootcanals removed because there is a problem with a battery effect that happens when you eat anything acidic. This is just like your car battery with acid between metal plates. Particularly if you have other different metals in the mouth like caps, bridges, amalgam fillings,etc.
I looked into implants, but it was about 12 years, or so ago, and there was the ceramic implants that were relatively new at the time.Everybody I talked to, or any information I could gather at the time said they were to new to know if they would hold up, or would mend with the gums like the Titanium implants.
Now there is a ceramic based implant [Zirconium] That might be good. I haven't done any research on them, but when I get ready that's one I would look at. Here's a couple of youtube videos about them, and the installation. Also if you want your question answered about the Titanium, the second video in my original post told you why metal is not good.
Do your home work what ever you decide. Good luck.