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Re: Cooked food is human kibble!!!!!
MH 108 Views: 1,163
Published: 13 y
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Re: Cooked food is human kibble!!!!!

it is a sad fact that American Grains are used like this:

TOP CHOICE: animal foods such as dog food, cat food, cow food, pig food, etc...

Discarded animal grade grains: human use.

Human commercial food companies for 50+ year have used humans in place of dumps for toxic waste. Toxic waste is diluted into commercial foods as a way of disposal.

The college educated scientist are further degraded as they enter the work force and trained a lifetime how to slowly poison the human workforce as the chosen method of population control.

"IF" you want to live well, you have to de-educate yourself and go backwards to NATURE and if you go back far enough, you learn that we are not what we eat.....what we eat takes away life, while what we breathe and absorb from our sun is what creates the human body.



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