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Re: Little update about quackery
Faith110 Views: 1,293
Published: 13 y
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Re: Little update about quackery


Have you had any cancer screenings to confirm this? My gyno found a lesion on my cervix but my pap came out normal. He's still sending me for the colopscopy to make sure it's not cancerous, but I'm not taking any chances and I've begun treating it as such. I'm staying positive and keeping the attitude that it is not cancer, but preventative measures don't hurt.

From what I've read, the most important factor in treating cancer holistically is high dose vitamin c. I've heard that many different types of cancers have been reversed using anywhere from 4,000 to 12,000 mgs of liposomal vitamin c per day. I currently take 4,000 mgs per day, as higher doses bothered my stomach. It really has worked wonders for my AF and food allergies too. I plan to keep this up along with Vitamin A suppositories and go back to the gyno in a couple months to have that lesion checked out again.

I would highly suggest that you get screened if you suspect cancer. It's not good to just assume that you've got a serious condition like cancer based on your physical appearance.You could be worrying yourself for no reason, which will make your AF worse.

Sending good vibes your way :)


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