Re: "The Candida Story"--Thank you to whoever posted this last Month!
Last year I spent about $150,...this year, since attacking them for the second time EVER,...started on May 3rd, 2012,...with everything, humaworm,
Black-Walnut hull tincture, cloves, liquid and powder for capsules, the cayenne, the garlic oil caps, coconut oil (does work), then the enema stuff, things to go in it,....I'd say $400 including the $35 zapper. It would be over $500 if I include the $110 for the terminator zapper three weeks ago too. But I am slowing down on the others. Oh don't forget the D.E., that works too! It's cheap at Tractor Supply! :-)
The B.O.D. strain--AKA Latero-Flora, only $20 a bottle with no tax or shipping if you go to Denie's site-
Latero-Flora is third row down on left on opening page!
This stuff,....taken to saturation has opened up the windows of life for me! My toxic feeling has gone down from a 9/10 to a 2/10! That's relief my friends! I have energy, a positive attitude,....and I'm planning a move which takes a lot of strength when you're alone and sickly! But I need a happier place to heal--it's that important!
We can do this!