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intoyourhands13 Views: 909
Published: 13 y


I wish I could share more..but the warning is enough, no one would believe me anyway.

The reason for chastisement is due to how the world has turned away from God.
People are taking/swiping God and any existence of Him off the earth. And more, entertainment,sins, which heaven gladly takes back these precious souls, we cannot take an innocent life nor our own...

I feel as though I am in this nightmare that I cannot wake up, I cannot believe all that is unfolding and so raipdly so.
All I can say is return to prayer, confession, mass,receive the Holy Host on your tongues!
A Priest cannot deny you this..we are actually suppose to receive it by kneeling and by tongue.
If you read about the Miracles of the Holy Eucharist then you would understand and receive differently. All creeds at this time must return and trust in God for his protection from Lucifer. He promises to protect all that ask and trust in Him at this time. He promises to forgive ALL sins, mortal sins. and ask us to ask Him now through prayer and to not sin anymore. Anyone that hurts his people will be punished unless they stop NOW. The warning is close. AS revealed today in the messages the Angels are in the four corners of the earth.
The New Paradise is in place.

All people must return to God and repent. This is the time of absolution of sins, the Gift from God, the Warning, the truth, all those that have not been reached nor believe the warning, will have one last chance to repent.This will occurr during the Warning that will soon take place. Only God knows when this will occur. WE have not been given the dates.
The WArning

A time/the day where the world will be in a stand still all at once.
We will all see ourselves, our goodness, our evilness, sins, everything. The comets that collide in the sky, the cross will appear in the sky, this is the sign, those that believe and have repented will be able to remain calm and accept this with joy. It will not last long.
Those that are unaware will be afraid, as you read in the warnings second coming and some may die from extreme emotion as they see themselves ... read the warnings. The athesit and some scientist may think this is only an illusion.( read the messages)

The Book of Truth as the messages . same thing here is exactly the same as a news flash on TV to warn us of what will occur, as far as protection, to take heed, and how to prepare. For Christ cannot come back to this world as it is. WE must be very careful at this reveals this in the warning as the anti-christ will reveal itself and will arrive at the same time with his army. God said we will win this battle. WE must stay strong and pray.

The anti-christ will say he is the messiah, he will perform miracles, he will be charismatic. This is not God.
You must pray, and pray incessently for this is your only protection from evil.
Gods people(God loves all his people, he wants us all to return to him NOW) and those that believe in him will be confused, here , the answer is to pray, we are asked to remain calm, to trust in Him. We will be guided, instructed, we have been given the armour as the Blessed Mother has stated through the last prophet Maria.

God will come back to Reign his Kingdom, Satan will be put away for good. It will not be pleasant as we know this battle will begin shortly as foretold.
Children and adults alike have been given the truth, over and over again through these NDE's near death experiences as the Holy Bible and people still do not listen or believe! They have died a clinical death and for some were not..but they left earth and were taken to Heaven,purgatory and Hell. Some have witnessed the beast.

These individuals as we are aware of have witnessed this and came back to share their experiences, believers and non-believers. God, has worked tiressly to prove to the world, He is the sole Creater of Heaven and EArth seen and unseen.
It is through prayer that we shall all receive the graces and protection. I advise you strongly to read through the messages on the Holy Spirit.

REAd the messages and prepare.

Please read about the darkness, this is very important.
You must remain inside your homes during this time and place blessed candles all around, sprinkle Holy water on yourselves and family. Get many things Blessed soon and the Seal of Protection as well, the prayer He has given us.

The Blessed Mother through the messages states the medal of ST. Benedictine, the Holy Cross, Holy water and the blessed candles. You will not have access to any light only candles that are blessed. You will need food for 10 days.
This preparation will protect us, we will become invisable to the beast.
The beast Lucifer is real/ Some people are lured into sin by Lucifer and some are possessed. Those that are afraid of the beast, you must be very strong at all times, and keep the beast at arms length. Those that Lucifer has possessed vomit shards of glass and sharp objects, and even roses have been witnessed by the exorcist. Those that are possessed can speak many languages and curse etc.

Hilter and Stalin, to some believe that they were possessed and those that are possessed can be very contagious, as a contagious disease and spread to others to harm Gods children.
WE must be aware of this at this time because Satan is roaming and stronger than before ever.
WE must pray like we have never prayed before and prepare our families. WE must pray that people convert at this time and change their ways.

REad the warnings, read the bible.



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