Re: death from water fast to cure heart disease
Tieuvodanh, I agree with your point, that certain conditions, like having unexpected, or expected cardiac complication, would require careful re-feeding, instead of continuing a fast in dire circumstances. Although dosed fasting, few days at a time, and following the body response, tapering or increasing pre-fast medications are necessary and beneficial rules of art, that few fast-supervisors master to perfection. Anyway, there is the personal responsibility of the patient to choose their health adviser and to agree with or refuse treatment/guidance. We do not know anything about this unfortunate case specifics, except the short sensation-like announcement of someones death.
All in the meanwhile, I strongly agree with my fellow co-fasters, that there isn't barely a disease, that does not benefit from fasting. Heart conditions being well in the benefit group. My mom recently quit heart medication after fasting only for 10 days... Do not believe any polarized opinion of the mainstream. They are conservative and conservative equals stagnation and lack of progress.
Last, but not least, there is that fact: every year tens of thousands of people (per couple of dozens of millions population) get sick or die as a consequence of mainstream medical practices/interventions; yet no one screams from the top of the roofs: "people, avoid hospitals, they will kill you". So ... I am further leaving the conclusion process for you to enjoy.