13 y
Silver on stitches
A few years ago, I had absolutely wonderful results by putting
Colloidal Silver and
Iodine on a bad grease/skillet burn that was infected. It was healed in less than a week!
Well, I will be having surgery for carpal tunnel on both hands very soon, and I was told that I am not allowed to get the stitches wet...not sure how long I have to keep the bandages on, but the stitches come out in I think around 2 weeks.
I am wondering though-since I was so greatly blessed by putting the
Colloidal Silver and
Iodine on the burn I had, I was wondering if I would be able to take the bandages off in a few days, after I have the surgery, and treat it with
Colloidal Silver and
Iodine to get it healed a lot quicker, since I only have a little time to take off work?
I mean, what is the purpose of not getting the stitches wet anyway, and would it hurt if I treated it with the colloidal silver and iodine very soon after surgery? I would be trying to get back to work as soon as possible after the surgery.