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Video Embedded Obama may go to Prison and be Impeached Killing Our Own
enolamonroe Views: 3,694
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Obama may go to Prison and be Impeached Killing Our Own

Published on Oct 29, 2012 by TheCoop30301

Published on Oct 29, 2012 by revmichellehopkins

Comments by (revmichellehopkins) Who Uploaded the Same Video

Was Obama finished with our Ambassador to Libya where the Arms Trading was concerned???? Did he believe Chris Stevens was going to go public with what he knew about this administrations illegal trading of weapons to the enemy??? Was this like the dreadful murderous colladeral damage of 'Fast and Furious' ???

The Turkish leader left the meeting he was having with our Ambassador 1 hour before the attack without being touched, while the building was being watched by the attackers, according to the reports coming from onsite officials at the time, to the white house and to the internet.

The whitehouse WATCHED THE ATTACK on Benghazi go down, via drone recon. They were told as it went down it was a terrorist attack and while it happened THE WHITEHOUSE WATCHED OUR PEOPLE DIE FROM THE SITUATION ROOM!!!
And then lied about it!!!

Hillary Clinton said the buck stopped with her, taking the fall after the lies were being outted and blame had to be placed. I have always said,it is a deadly dangerous business to be one of Hillary Clinton's 'friends!!!' Any 'friend' of hers involved with the Whitewater Scandal could tell you that, if any of them were alive today! Every last one of them, even the ones who went to prison, died mysteriously! Remember Vincent Foster... Foster's death became part of a broad investigation of President and Hillary Rodham Clinton's financial dealings in Arkansas when Whitewater records were discovered to have been in his office six months after his death. He was found sitting up - dead - in Virginia State Park. Some theorized he died elsewhere, was wrapped in a carpet and brought to the park. Strangely, his death was ruled a suicide.

I said it on the day this took place, and I will say it again. This is a false flag. It had nothing to do with a 13 minute Youtube video. But for the public to know who the terrorist was who did it, would point the finger at the person who sold the terrorist the weapons to do it with!!! And that would be inconvenient just now. As he is trying to win a presidential election!by revmichellehopkins
Florida Obama Indicted

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