Private contractors have the government make regulations to suit their needs so they can rip off consumers... They will sell the government/public a screw for the toilet seat and charge $10K for it. That is why we are in such debt. That is why so many people are filing for disability, too. They are supposed to pole vault over Mt Everest with a tooth pick?!!?! Hands go up in surrender, because they know it's impossible. "I am incapable!" is the plea. And they are right. The situation is impossible. When all the poor people are attempting to be declared disabled, because it seems like the only way out of hell. Then we start heading for nothing but rich people left to do the supporting. So the rich start the extermination process because they don't want to have to support all the useless eaters. I am sure the private contractors can handle exterminating people.
I am in charge of complaining. What are you in charge of?