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Re: Frank O, Making Sense of What is Coming Down
glaxony Views: 1,168
Published: 13 y
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Re: Frank O, Making Sense of What is Coming Down

go to
search for Ucadia University
skip the back up
go to the other link
all of his recordings will come up
there are over 100 of them
some of the information is very old and out of date
some are better than others
most all of them from 89 on are pretty good
i hear there are some in the 40's that are really good
he has been working on an alternative legal system
that is really free
for after the collapse
since the 70's
you can see you tube videos of him
i think he use to be a priest and quit
his organization is world wide
he is recommends filing papers with the Queen of England
to let her know that you are not dead and she has no right to your property
(IE your body)
as the roman cult law was based on the presumption that human beings are
dead because they have no souls
we must prove we are both alive and competent in order to be freed
nobody has been freed yet
but some are getting close
when one is free, all are free (or at least free to be free if they want)
but they can choose to remain slaves, if they would rather, as they are even free to prefer servitude...

it is very interesting stuff and a bunch of us in Austin are going to file the papers because we don't like them trading us like stock on the market


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