13 y
Bartholin cysts can go to hell!
I am currently in the midst of dealing with my first big Bartholin cyst. I'm pretty sure I had a small one in the same place a few months ago, but it went away on its own after several hot baths (at first I thought it might be an ingrown hair). This one, not so much. Started small, like a small grape. After doing research and reading posts on this forum I decided to give a few suggestions a try. I had a hot bath last night, which seemed to create the beginning of a head on the cyst. This morning it had almost doubled in size and was really really painful. When I came home from work I went to the washroom and my underwear was soaked with blood. It popped on its own! Not sure when it happened, but I almost had a chair scoot out from under my butt just before I left work and sat down akwardly so maybe then? Anyways, cleaned the area carefully with cleaning wipes I grabbed from work (I work in a hospital, so they have antibacterial stuff on them) and carefully started to squeeze. So nasty. Lots of fluid, a little blood mixed in (prob cause I tried squeezing it last night?). Anyways, went to the store and got some
Epsom Salts , calomine lotion, witch hazel, tea tree oil, cotton balls, sterile gauze and hospital-type plastic tape. Had a really hot bath with lots of
Epsom Salt in it. Every ten minutes or so I'd sit on the edge of the tub and gently squeeze more junk out. I recommend using cotton balls under your fingers as you do this. Keeps it cleaner and the cotton also sops up the fluid. After about an hour or so of this I mixed up calomine, witch hazel and tea tree oil and held a cotton ball soaked in the mixture to the area, changing it every five minutes or so. It stung for a few seconds and then felt so good! It also helped the cyst drain like crazy. Gonna do it again later. I had also read on this forum someone who made a paste from
Epsom Salt and left it on for a bit. So I currently have the paste on a cotton ball (to soak up extra moisture) with a piece of gauze over top taped to my poor lady bits to hold it in place. Hoping in a few hours it's helped it drain even more/dry it out.
If you're going through this horrible business definitely try the Epsom baths and lotion mixture. I feel waaaaaay better. I know it's gonna probably take a few days of this, but at least I'm not in nearly as much pain. There is light at the end of the tunnel! I'm just hoping after this one I'll be good for awhile.
I must add if you notice a nasty smell from the fluid when yours pops, or you feel unwell or feverish go to the doctor! Infections are not fun!!!