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Sitz bath
MH 108 Views: 1,105
Published: 19 y

Sitz bath

I added the sitz bath to the website

I am not going into detail on the subjects, just a story and a few facts. Much more is explained on the free CD and well explained in the schooling. I give more than enough to explain the old methods, those seeking all they can on these subjects can search out the many books of the past, the internet, my CD or my little schooling, etc. Hopefully there will be enough on the website to stimulate interest. I believe I can make a website with unlimited education when financially able. Already the best self-applied cures are freely explained, not one has the excuse for being ill, unless they are not willing to change. The ones not willing to change need more time to read and apply or these natural "no cost" methods are not for them. If they don't want to work, they will not receive, just a fact of life. No one on this earth has ever been able to buy good health and NEVER WILL, only by education and desire will they have a chance.



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