Stopping Excessive Glutamate Stimulation / Excitotoxicity
I have mainly neurological symptoms these days and they are BAD (due to lyme & co. + fungal/mold/coinfections. sneaky bugs and they really affect my life in a horrible way. The main culprit being the anxiety, brain fog, and depression. I have read theories stating this is due to excessive glutamate stimulation.
I know nmda antagonists are known to help with this but good look convincing my psychiatrist that. Is there anything I can order online that will help me with this?
I already take zinc, magnesium, cat's claw, b12, and lots of other vitamins and minerals. Is there any silver bullet I can add to my regimen? What about lithium?
On another note, ketamine (too bad its illegal) seems to make all my symptoms go away completely and works even better than painkillers for the brain fog. So, that is why I am thinking nmda antagonists could really help me.