USA Health care bill and your adrenal supplements
Please do some research on this.
Think twice before you cast your vote on Nov. 6. I will not vote for Obama, mainly because so much of my personal health freedoms will be lost in the new health care reform bill.
For those who live in the USA. If Obama wins second term, the Health Care bill will go into full swing and slowly, you will see many freedoms of choice lost, when it comes to purchasing vitamins, tests not recognized by conventionsl doctors, even choosing a naturopathic, alternative med. doctors may become harder to come by.
The Codex Alimentariou Conspiracy. . . tells a great deal.
Much of the health care bill, by the way which is about 2 fee thick, was mostly generated by the United Nations and the big pharma. companies, so they can push more prescription drugs. Did you know within this bill, that even influenza
vaccinations will become "mandatory"
Is that not "dictatorship."? And did you know all the toxic crap they put in the flu vaccine. Look it up. On top, the list of ingrediants is "mercury." I have not had a flu vaccine yet and never will. They will have to kill me first to get me to take a vaccine tha should be personal choice to take.
I don't want my freedom to purchase my supplements and to see what ever doctor I want to see about my adrenal problems.
. This is what I'm finding out already, with doing some research.
Some is under "Codex Alimentarius COnspiracy." And seems th pharmaceutical companies and the United Nations have derived a great ceal of what is in the 2 foot thick Obama Health Care Bill. Pushing more prescrition drugs is there agenda. I've heard this from a number of reliable resources.
So, it this be the case, even yourself and those in European countries under socialized healthcare, won't even be able ( or hard to get) to get natural supplements here in the USA.
Just a note. For those who are voting for Obama. If you want to keep more of your personal choices when it comes to purchasing supplements and seeing naturopathic doctors, vote for Romney. He will be removing a great deal from the Health care bill and will be in support of natural and alternative protocal.
Even though I am not a Mormon, I know Mormons are very big into natural alternative medicine, so that is just "one" reason why I am voting for Rommney. . . and that is a GREAT BIG REASON. Now that Obamacare has been ruled a tax by the U.S. Supreme Court, reality is starting to sink in for all those who emotionally supported it. Promoted as a way to provide either free health care or low-cost health care to the masses, the sobering reality is that under Obamacare, health insurance prices keep rising, not falling. That's no surprise, of course, since the Obamacare legislation was practically written by the health insurance companies, and they sure didn't put their weight behind a sweeping new law that would earn them less profit.
In an era when the so-called "99%" are sick and tired of being exploited by the one percent who control everything, they just handed their medical futures over to precisely the one percent who skillfully monopolize the conventional health care system!
Obamacare is, at every level, a huge victory for the one percent.
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How Obamacare will lead to mandatory
vaccinations for everyone
vaccinations -- for adults! -- are on the way, friends. And here's why: Once everybody is "in the system" of mandatory health care, we will begin to hear arguments like this:
"Anyone who refuses to get vaccinated against influenza is thereby at risk of being an influenza carrier and infecting other people, thus increasing health care costs for us all. To save money, government must force everyone to get vaccinated!"
It's a false argument, of course, but it will be used to literally line people up at courthouses (with the threat of arrest and jail time) and force them all to be vaccinated against their will.The same false logic can be used to force people to undergo chemotherapy, take AIDS drugs, undergo coronary bypass surgery or be subjected to almost any medical procedure deemed "necessary" by the government. In the realm of mental health and psychiatry this opens up a Pandora's Box of exploitation of patients for the purpose of raking in record profits for the criminally-operated psychiatric drug industry.
The same false logic can be used to force people to undergo chemotherapy, take AIDS drugs, undergo coronary bypass surgery or be subjected to almost any medical procedure deemed "necessary" by the government. In the realm of mental health and psychiatry, this opens up a Pandora's Box of exploitation of patients for the purpose of raking in record profits for the criminally-operated psychiatric drug industry.
Such is the inevitable abuse of monopolistic market practices enforced by a corrupt government that serves the interests of its corporate masters: Once the sick care industry has this monopoly and can force everyone to participate, they will exploit that advantage to its fullest profiteering capacity.
Remember: It is the dream of every corporation to dominate the world. Obamacare just gave Big Pharma and the other sick care giants huge monopolistic cheats to pursue precisely that goal.
Sober up, America In a time when consumers are increasingly demanding transparency, free choice and the ability to shop around for competitive bargains, Obamacare codifies secrecy, mandatory compliance and monopolistic practices.
Maybe it's time to sober up and take an honest look at what Obamacare really is instead of what Obama promised it would be. People bought into the dream, but what they actually received was a monumental swindle.
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