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Re: Big Ask! Hopefully someone can help..
ring5100 Views: 1,142
Published: 13 y
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Re: Big Ask! Hopefully someone can help..

I hope you don't mind, but may I ask a question that is not related to your question?

So you live in the UK? You have Socialized medicine there right, for a number of years. Had this had a bad impact on you obtaining natural suppliments?
Or why do you suppose it is so difficult to obtain naturopathic, alternnative, tests, doctors, suppliments, etc?
I'm curious. As we here in America have such great access to all of this. But, the FDA and AMA are always tring to take away these freedoms, because if infringes and takes money from the conventional medical association and doctors, etc. because people are generally getting healthier and living longer with natural means.

And, if the socialized medical bill goes into full swing here in the USA under Obama's authority ( I sure hope not) I wonder how it will effect our rights with regards to using and the freedom of choice in naturopathic medicine.
A bill that was devised behind closed doors and is two feet thick, I wonder what all may be lurking in that.



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