I actually eat pretty well. I have been following a strictly no starch diet for three months and get my carbs from fruit and vegetables. I know the anti-candida diet says no fruit but I live in a paradise for fruit and it doesn't seem to make my symptoms worse. But to answer your question, I don't drink, smoke or eat junk food. I think my reaction to the Turpentine must have been a drug interaction. They kept me at the ER all day for observation because when I arrived I had no balance and was disorientated, also my blood pressure was dangerously low and my CNS was going haywire (a big shot of Diazepan sorted that out. Anyway, I am home, shaken and feeling hungover and strange and I will NEVER touch another drop of Turpentine again. Having said that, I am glad it has done such wonders for others. Please just use this as a warning: NEVER mix RX drugs with other potentially hazardous remedies.