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Finally, Adrenal Fatigue it is then...
lilarose Views: 1,215
Published: 13 y

Finally, Adrenal Fatigue it is then...

Hi Everybody,

I feel very excited to have found such identification finally!!!! I have had symptoms of hypoglycemia and fatigue as a teenager and now twenty years later its got so bad I am desperate for answers. I have felt extremely embarassed about the limiting nature of this condition. I have had to stop working as raising two children is enough. I need to rest alot and my days are always being calculated into ' is this possible, how many hours, rest in between' portions. Doctors have laughed at me. The latest doctor I went to and asked for a referral to an endocrinologist said adrenal fatigue is not a medical term and If i present with this the endocrinologist will laugh me out of the office. My father is a doctor also and he is deeply suspect and disbelieving. I cannot do more then ten minutes exercise without landing in bed afterward shaking with flu like symptoms. Anxiety fatigues me quickly as my flight or fight response has been over activated during my lifetime and hence I have tried to manage my environment to keep my adrenals quiet. This is not working. I have hypoglycemia which means I am up at midnight with plunging blood sugars and want to boost them quick. I eat before bed and try and sleep straight away but I am still up a number of times with this terrible internal desperate feeling. My thyroid was underactive so a doctor prescribed my thyroxin which sent my mind racing so i came off it. I have gained ten kilos since this condition has got worse, especially around the tummy. I do find it hard to do so little but when I push and convice myself I am fine and work hard in the garden and achieve alot my sleep is more disturbed. On the positive I am doing a gentle yoga class, a meditation group, a creative writers group for joy and this condition is forcing me to step out of the rat race, my adrenalin addiction is challenged, and so is my people pleasing. I am interested in any real solutions or assistance with this condition, if and when others have experienced improvement and experience strength and hope in general. I dont want to spend excessive amounts of money on methods that MAY make a difference as I dont have excessive amounts of money to spend. Thankyou for listening, I may have been over gregarious in giving so many details but I am so excited to finally have even a name for this condition.


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