Re: Back on NB after 6 months
I am into 40 days of NB and I am feeling some subtle yet important benefits. But it becomes obvious that most of people on NB (including Theresa Vernon) are not fully cured yet. More and more its becoming evident part of the damage done by for example heavy metals its permanent and the energy we lost can only be regained to some extent. Being fully cured of AF means being able to live like most of others do, and thats it. No need to special dieting all the month, no need to limit physical activity, no need for pills and being NORMAL this is, vitality, libido etc all restored and ready for action. Not dragging yourself around with a careful, super restricted diet, lots of supplements and cleanses, avoiding stress and exercise, no parties, meditation, earthing etc all calculated steps to prevent a fragile flower of breaking down. Its not about wanting to go back to the herd and do mainstream shit, which I dont really want, its the fact they CAN live that way and you DONT. Im just pissed off of living for curing and not curing for living.
I dont know, im optimistic though. Im 21 years old and that makes easier to think I can recover. NB its working but it needs to be stacked with pararell procedures like ALA chelation or parasite/candida cleanses. The moneyyyyyyyyyyyyy I need a job XD