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Re: What is the best zapper to buy?
parazapper Views: 2,731
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 1,996,259

Re: What is the best zapper to buy?

First, I would avoid any company that tries to impress you that they are Dr. Clark, or are associated with Dr. Clark, try to make you think that Dr. Clark has approved their zappers, or does such things as call their product Dr. Clark's ....

Second, make certain that they provide reasonable and accurate specifications. If they claim that their unit provides 1 Amp, 3 Amps, etc. which makes it more powerful than others, RUN!

They should tell you the accuracy of their frequency, many are as far out as 10 percent to even 20 percent, or even much worse.

There are many other points, but these should eliminate a lot of the wannabees.



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