Can it be this easy! Thanks webmaster!
I asked if the old 108 page booklet could be displayed and the webmaster stated how easy it was, i attempted it and in 1 minute is was on, go to click 108 and the pdf opens like magic, wow, I am even impressed. This opens up a whole new avenue. I had no idea it was that easy. My files are already the way I want them (mostly), a simple click and bingo, instant website maxed to the gills with info.
The new rewritten 108 for 2006 makes the 2005 version look sick,I now need to decide what to do with all this too cool method, what to show and what not to show?????????
All I can say is the website will be jumping by leaps and bounds as long as space remains, show it all or save some things for just my customers?????????????? Thats a big question!!!!!
If I had the finances and didn't need to make a living I would just post The School of Self-Applied Prevention books for all to see, that would be just too cool....
Brother Jimmy was over this morning and I gave him a kit for a gals Lupus type problems and I said I will make you a deal, let me take your picture and we will call it even, just then my wife walked in and I handed her the camera and we now have Brother Jimmy in digital. I must warn M.O.G. that brother Jimmy is doing a 40 day fast Spice 4 Life style and getting younger by the week. Jimmy stated today that he has never done a real fast before, he never knew how, was never able and can't believe how simple this all is. He's loosing weight, skin is tightening up and he is feeling good.
He also stated that his wife complained it was too expensive to use herbs, he has proved her so, so wrong. Using the poor mans spice 4 life Amish style product he says he is saving money over buying junk food, getting more done in life because his circulation is returning and now that he is fasting for 40 days he is saving over 1 months of food cost. He states that in all his adult life of seeking to know self-health and seeking to know the healers personally, such as the likes of Dr. Christopher, Dr. Kelly and many of the old greats, he now believs he has POWER in his hands, the power to be able to control his health and not allow it to dictate two him what he can and can not do.
It was snowing pretty good this morning and he told me he does not know why, but if he had his swimming trunks, he feels like he should swim accross one of the ponds, he stated he knew he could do it and feels like he should do it, so who knows, if I see him get out of his car next time in swimming shorts, I am running for the video camera!