Study it Research it try it youll be surprized
Chi recently was gently, carefully, shareing on another forum about UT. And Hana and #29( who ever your real CZ name is) come on every once in a while to fan the fire and represent the UT lurkers who know.
H20's been keeping the idea alive here and jumping in w it elswhere and new people continually show up like the seasons, and like the "mob" once ur in, ur in for life.
Its a therapy that just wont go away. Once u have the impulse to try it (mabey its like Cayce says about the castor oil consciousness only finding certain people) and u find its unavoidable power its like so many unconventional things in our conventionaly mired society. They eventually not only stand out but they outlive the ignorance that had missunderstood and misslabled them in the first place.
From its numerous constituants use in the vast majority of cosmetics, to the continually found need of those same constituants by new and involved research into healing and health, reality cements the role that this simple, free action can play in the lives of people who are looking for something to assist them in regaining health and or eliminating some type of suffering they find themselves subject too.( or perhaps as an adjunct in researching the realms of the non ordinary)
Obviously there are health situations that are predicated on our supremely faulty societal food choices, perverting our systems in ways that need to be corrected also and many of these are now slowly becoming common knowledge. There are also other rememdies, numerous and powerfull, right minded approaches to regaining health, that have proven their abilty over many many years. But when it comes to stimulating our basic immune system power and our basic ballancing power, UT is not only, again, so accesable, so free and easy, it is very very special in ways beyond compare to most all other health concoctions.
Whether its the peeling lips people, or the evan more serious cancer plagued. Those who have been chronicly out of sorts for years. Kidney, diabetis, dont forget the candida consortium, ect ect. Research it, study it, put your toe in it first if thats your speed. When the idea really strikes u, run w it, we'll be here to share in your new discovery of an ages old, supremely easy and supremely powerfull, healing tecnique.