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Re: middle of the night and feeling like throwing up

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candisufferer Views: 2,951
Published: 13 y
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Re: middle of the night and feeling like throwing up

I'm sorry, A .... before I knew I was sick I once woke up from an evening nap literally in the act of vomiting: it was really weird but, even at that point I didn't realize the depth of my ill state of health. So, I can sympathize to how you feel. It's also hard to sleep while being bloated, that's for sure.

I have used this product in the past to significant effect: not saying order it from this page as it was just the first I came across which showed this product.

Seems like you are eating enough fiber in your greens but, you might try including a little easily digested dissovlable soluable fiber supplement to your liquids through the day to keep things moving. Gi Motility seems to be a major factor. One thought, if you are losing weight despite eating to belly fullness, how would upping your tyroid meds help? Wouldn't that mean you would increase metabolism requiring even more calories? 





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