The loneliness and isolation of waiting for a diagnosis...
It takes a toll. It takes a toll on your health, physical and mental. On friends and family. Every step of the way is being documented and put on FB. People who have known me all my life.
This is the only primary I could get with managed care. I am on Social Security Disability, with a 1,770.00 spend down that I have to pay (that was fine with me, thought it would give me better luck in finding quality doctor). However, after the 1,770.00 spend down, it turns to Medicaid. Because of this, I have to go to a Medicaid accepting Medical Managed Care Group. My appt. is on Oct. 11th. I did notify the doctor I will see, after a suggestion by the Traveler's Clinic, and CDC, that the diagnostic protocol for Mansonella perstans is on there...and that's what I need.
I tried to find reviews on this doctor, and while I'm not naming the managed care group, or the doctor, at this time, I will put everything else I can find...
I found no reviews, but where they went to medical school and their profile:
Medical school - Vladivostok State Medical University
(this is located in Vladivostok, Russia, in the far east of Russia, where it borders China and North Korea).
Philosophy of Care
Not having enough power to change pitfalls in the health care system for the whole population of sick people, I will use all my knowledge and passion to provide the best care to one patient at a time. The team approach is the key in helping patients not only with their medical but also social needs.
Medical Interests
Primary care is a point of intersection and interaction of a broad variety of medical specialties. Being a reliable partner in a health care team. Providing care and being an advocate for uninsured people in our community.
Personal Interests
Exploring the outdoors and local natural beauty. Traveling to never before seen parts of the world. Being a good friend to new and life-time friends. Being an interesting person and good mom to my children."