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Re: NB 8 days, little update
Blistering Fate Views: 1,315
Published: 13 y
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Re: NB 8 days, little update

food allergy testing man. Though I think with the Micronized Glutamine and NB diet its worthless. I mean I am not gonna eat even less foods than what I am currently eating with the NB/GARD diet. When it comes do diet, things are very personal and I feel im closer to my optimal diet for this moment.

You probably have. Almost any person with this kind of conditions have it. In my case, its the obvious core of most of my problems, both in testing and symptoms. I think the aluminum antiperspirant did it but I was developing it during the former years and that really sped up the process. I never was normal or happy and indeed I was in the autism spectrum although I never wanted to accept that diagnosis. But clearly there was a breaking point at 18 years old when I lost my sexua| function, insomnia settled down and digestion worsened rapidly just at the same time the aluminum started to get used combined with emotional traumas from a very painful relationship (more for me lol) and suddenly starting to remember the abuse my cousin did to me.

So the mechanism its as follows: emotional toxins and pain cause a loop of weakness that its well documented to be able to make you much more prone to accumulate physical toxins. I have read and believed that an alternative doc found out that when a person cries releasing old traumas during chelation he monitorized the urine output of metals and it was multiplied by three. Interestingsly enough, he also states that a happy person that laughs frequently detoxes much faster than someone depressed of pained. So its easy to see why I am sympathetic dominant and have several poor and very poor elimination patterns. People cannot understand it but when I see my life as a whole from this position I am now I only see stress, self-denial, addiction, addiction, resentment, hate, fear, sadness, confusion... suffering. The days in school pure sympathetic abuse with my social phobia, every day I was in survival mode and never felt really comfortable and myself in any place, except maybe with my closest family. Seriously that wasnt living. I remember I only felt somehow right in my skin when drunk.

And as I kid I was one mercurial destroyer, envious and arrogant, completely delusional. Now I see clearly how much it wasnt my fault, I was poisoned and unbalanced back then already.



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