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It's up to you, of course...
fledgling Views: 2,267
Published: 13 y
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It's up to you, of course...

...One has to decide for themselves what they will and won't try, and when.

All though this forum, from day one, people have been worried about "it doesn't work"..."bad things will happen", "I don't have what that person has", "I am different than those folks."

There are more than a thousand types of parasites people can get. There are many kinds of symptoms.

Trust me, if you are reading this forum, there is time to order and take Humaworm, Hu-mana-tea, or any of the formulas.

Thousands have, and kept on with two rounds per year ever since.

My herpes disappeared, and goodness knows what else.

Parasite eggs are microscopic and are even in the air we breathe. Who knows where or when we may pick them up.

If a person ever feels low, or unhappy, parasites may be contributing to that feeling. They don't care about the well-being of their hosts, except as it applies to them.

Believe me, there are thousands here who will take Humaworm herbals twice yearly as long as they can crawl to an order form. Thousands who recognize die-off symptoms when they see them, and who recognize feedom fom 'critters' when they feel it.

How many sites are there where the users of a parasite cleansing product write their gratitude?

R.G. has taken two rounds of Humawom yearly since he was two years old. So have many of his family members. Why would they bother if Humaworm didn't work?

Go back to the beginning of this forum, or the beginning of R.G.'s posts, and see the problems people have bought to them.

When people are satisfied and clean of parasites, they go on to the other things that interest them in life, and forget about critters.

You will, too.

'Die-off", etc., will be forgotten...a thing of the past.

My best.



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