Re: sirpies!
You're not boring me :)
Well, I didn't want to have to use lip balms everyday (it sure was like an addiction), so I tried to stop. And about regretting: At that time, I didn't know what would happen (and I still don't know if there is a connection), so I don't think there is any point in regretting my choice. At that time, I thought it would be best for me to stop using lip products.
To me, the most reasonable explanations are the virus and the bacteria (e.g. staph) theories. I don't think it has anything to do with some internal problem (vitamin deficiency, leaky gut syndrom, ...). As you said, I think it is a localized (and very hard to fight) condition.
If that was triggered or if it benefited from me using lip products, I don't know, and probably never will know. It might have caused the immune system of the lip skin to become irritated/supressed.. The "cold turkey" might have made my lips unnoticably chopped/cracked, which might then have made it easy for some kind of bacteria or virus to cause an infection. But, it might not have had anything to do with lip products.