I had parathyroid surgery 10 days ago. I had 3.5 glands removed due to hyperplasia. I had high calcium levels (in the 10's) but my PTH was normal to normal hihh.I was misdiagnosed for two years by endos and surgeons. Finally had surgery but need some information.
i am on calcitriol .25mcg once a day and extra strength tums 2 tabs 4 times a day because while in the hospital my pth dropped to 10 and my calcium to 8. 6 days later a doctor took my levels. now they are pth 15 (range 12-60) and ionized calcium (range 4.6-5.3). I would like to know what these vaues mean in light of the drugs I am taking. My understanding is that calcitriol is given for hypocalcemia, but now my ionized calcium is at the hgih end. Is my pth so low becuae my parathroid glands have waken up? Thetumsare killing my stomach but the endocrinologist said to keep taking them. Isn;t there another form (citrate ) that I could take? I am worried that I will end up with hypoparathyroidism given 3.5 gland were removed but don't know how long it takes for them to wake up. Bottom line- what do my results mean in terms of the drugs I am currently on. My endo said come back in two months but I am concerned I may be taking too much calcium because my ionized is calcium is 5.3 and concerned because I heard one should get off calcitriol as soon as possible. Last question-I have a hard bump where the sirgery was done and it is temder. Is that normal and how long does it take to go away.