hi there-- I am just finishing a book called "Toxic metal Syndrome"
a guide to understanding and reversing memory disfunction.
Got it from the library. I suggest you read it. It's written by two doctors, who have experience in chelating metals from the body.
Doctor Morton Walker (one of the authors) has written many many books on natural therapies, and Mh recommends a book of his on Olive leaf extract.
The first thing is, just reading some of this book will reduce a lot of fears and sense of impending doom around metal syndrome.
There are, I was just reading, some new chelators, that are said to be as good as the
IV type mostly spoken of in the book. (Still, the book is worth getting from the library. Worth the read)
One of these is a suppository, and that might be something for you to look into. I'll try to find the reference in my files and post it back here, later.
I'm concerned, like you, about my mother. Also, myself, as I still have eight amalgams. reading this book ( among other things lately) has helped me to get the whole picture in perspective, and start to think in terms of what steps to take--
rather than being somewhat overwhelmed.
We were just talking here awhile back about cilantro also, as a chelator.
Let me go look for that 'product' I was mentioning.
Mh of course will have lots to suggest.
I wish you well
** I had one final thought on this. Some people say that the pescalite clay works well in a bath.Here's something from Andreas Moritz on alternatives to standard chelation
Alternative to chelation therapy.
"It may be better to use Metallic Clay Baths to remove metallic, inorganic minerals (see the book for directions). Soaking in a hot bath for 1/2 hour with 4 pounds of Epsom salts, 2 cups of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Cayenne pepper and 2 tablespoons of ground ginger, may also be a good way to remove them. Of course, liver flushing, kidneys and colon cleansing are necessary for the body to eliminate harmful, noxious substances from these organs. To restore absorption of useful minerals, bile production and secretion must be sufficient."
As always, I find that reading lots, listening, and then getting some silence to digest and consider, is the best approach. That and remembering, not to take on ALL of the burden of this.