Re: can vaccines cause eczema??
Vaccines have been around for a long time, and a lot of research goes into them because they are given to children. Over the years a few people have attempted to scare parents by performing inadequit reseach and coming to wrong conclusions. A very popular one has been MMR and autism, which although proven to be wrong still influences some parents.
Vaccines are generally safe, and other than if your child has a specific allergy to a particular component of a vaccine.There should be noproblems. Even in thse cases, the reaction is immediate, and does not pose any long term problems.
Vaccines do not cause eczema. Eczema tends to run in families and has a heavy genetic component to its development. Triggers i the environment, including foods can then trigger eczema flare ups in people who are already predisposed to getting eczema. It is common knowledge that when triggers are removed, eczema disappears, for most people.
Tofind outmore about how to control eczema,visit