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Published: 13 y


First, I finished my first liver flush MH's way and no vomiting! What a relief after experiencing vomiting with the coke flush and a protocol I got from the Hulda Clark forum. It went pretty smooth and will be doing a follow-up flush in about 5 days. I noticed a difference in my skin today.

I'm back to eating only fruit after the flush and am experiencing some bloating, so my question is about bloating. I notice that I experience a lot of bloating when I eat fresh fruit, more so when I have a fruit smoothie than just eating fruit. I notice that when I used to eat a nice big steak, I experienced no bloating whatsoever. I wonder why I have bloating with fruit, which is supposed to be easiest to digest, but no bloating with meat, which is harder to digest. Could it be due to not chewing as much with the fruit/smoothies vs the steak?



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