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Re: 6 Months, 3 Weeks of the Leave Alone Treatment
JayeJaye Views: 3,382
Published: 13 y
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Re: 6 Months, 3 Weeks of the Leave Alone Treatment

It only peels where you can see the peeling and very thinnly in the middle of the bottom lip, which came off Sunday when I had a fever.

And, the yellowish bit is actually the part that hasn't peeled for about 2 months. It's just that colour. And it feels soft like normal skin.

I spoke with Dan about this and we think it will go away in time.

I'm eating really healthy, aloe vera shots in the morning and night, 2 high strength fish oil morning and night, an immune boosting liquid in the morning, a silica tablet in the morning and I'm swimming in a salt/chlorine pool which has been a saviour for me. It really helps.

I'm really stressed at work and haven't been drinking enough water during the day but my lips are not effected by this at all. That's how I know that they are really healing and the end is near. Usually if I were stressed this condition would get worse.


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