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Re: My experience
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Re: My experience

The first time I took the sputnik was during the liver flush and it stayed inside 40 hours. The kicking was real fun. The trick of eating sweet corn at the end of the liver flush was perfect. The sputnik came out before the corn. And I felt quite good.

The second time I took it eating normal meals and it stayed inside almost three days. Two days it was “stuck” in the caecum till the point I was hurting (the caecum was a sensible area for me, anyway). The hurt started scaring me, it just felt too much stimulation and I decided to move it from there AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

Since I didn’t have with me LBB I came to the idea to do the yoga shoulder stand posture. I did it and “jumped” on my shoulders in this awkward position just extending my legs to the air much like a frog. The idea was that because the sputnik is heavy it will travel down and out of the little “sack” with the help of the gravitational force and the jumps. I also massaged my belly clockwise supporting me on the wall in the same inverted position. It worked!!! When I came down from that position, I didn’t feel the sputnik anymore and in less than two hours it was on the toilet. But it took more than 3 days to feel my caecum normal again!!!

The most strange event happened when it came out the first time. I almost missed it in spite of the colander. Just a tiny blinking light from one corner helped me to recognise it, because almost the whole sputnik was covered with the same material liver stones are made of. The funny thing is that the coat covering the sputnik was 10 times harder than the normal liver stones!!???

With the rubber gloves it took me almost 5 minutes to get the coat out of the sputnik. I didn’t know there were materials inside our bodies that can precipitate that quick and become in such a short time really hard stones. So may be some of the liver stones are formed just in hours, if the environment is appropriate for it.

Didn't take it a third time. I will wait some months and I'll do it while on liquid diet, of course.

So, if you take it, you will go through some adventures.



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