Re: Body odor cure, fbo - here it is. This WORKS!
Hey Man
How are you?
I can't tell how happy i am to see your post.
I made the same journey as you, i thought my body have different things like SIBO, Candida, IBS, etc
You don't believe how many things i purchased for supplements and the time dedicated that i have spent for diets, but i will be optimistic about this, because i learned a lot about my body, foods, and other things.
I highly think that i suffer from the same thing as you do, i made the Lemon with Apple Cider Vinegar test on an empty stomach, and i burp like after 10 minutes, which indicated that i have low stomach acid.
The way i understand why this happen to us (my interpretation could be wrong) is that the valve at the end of the esophagus open when the stomach acid is low hence it think that there are still foods coming down to the stomach, and close when the stomach is very acidic in order to allow it to start the digestion process, but in our case this valve is always open and small quantity of acid make a reflux back to our esophagus and get irritated when certain foods are eaten like chocolate, fried foods, cooked tomatoes, etc. and this why we get GERD symptoms like constant mucus on our throat, white tongue (which i thought i have candida).
I bought the supplements that you recommended, and man i saw an improvements from the second day.
I noticed before knowing this, i got an extreme FBO after i eat chocolate, anyone has experienced the same? why is that? What type of enzyme that is required to break it down?
Anyway i eliminated chocolate, cookies altogether out of my diet, and also i didn't see that chocolate is listed under high FODMAP!!!
Can you update us about how are doing? are you completely odor free?
Thank you again