Mansonella perstans...
I've been on the phone all morning, to the CDC, the local Dept. of Health, Washington state dept. of health..
Finally, CDC referred Travelers and Tropical Infectious Disease Clinic of Univ. of Washington..They transferred me to their Harborview Clinic where the woman that took all info. (she was typing as we spoke) was quite aware of the symptoms and registered me right there and then and am waiting for a cb from a doctor from their clinic...
I had extreme difficulty in getting any appt. with a primary doctor before Oct. 11...and could not get that moved closer even when I cb and told them what it was and had talked to the CDC and Dept. of Health and could move up the appt. just to get a referral to go to Univ of WA..
I'm in agony...and so worried about my vision...I'm glad to have found this site so I could do research on all the meds, what works, what doesn't, and to have seen links on her to the scientific studies myself....
I had also called every vet in the area to see if I could get the samples looked at independent of an animal....some will, some won't, but at least you could get something verified yourself...and get yourself a microscope. They're not much and you don't need more than 60x-100x to see enough to start getting something done by identifying some of the parasites.
Waiting for a cb from a doctor at Harborview...