AF: Hair mineral / hormone analysis or both?
I was born with weak adrenals, depression, have low blood sugar, digestive issues, liver problems... after years of veganism (I am type o neg) things crashed completly, it is very hard to live like this.
I do no-fat, no fruit (blueberries once in a while) cooked paleo meals with good combination of macronutrients and fat-only meals for better digestion and have energy to survive, lactobacilus, ACE and B-vitamin supplemmenting, deep-breathing,etc
Before spending money randomly I would like to know what you think can help me live better:
Hair mineral analysis
Hormone testing
I live in Europe, if someone can recommend me a place in the UK where they do those (and give aditional advice on health based on the results) it would be wonderful.
Also is there a good health practitioner you recommend, plus nutritional tips are welcome!
Love & Health,