Re: Do You Have This?
Steinburg, scalpel blades, 666... lol sorry I can't keep from laughing because it is all so true.
I think you are feeling the dissonant and low frequencies of the drug energies from your friends. You are also feeling the transition- like you have left a battered little row boat that was on fire and took a chance to swim for Land--- right now you are in the middle of the ocean and not only havent reached land yet but you no longer have your row boat :)
Well, you are already feeling that you are phasing completely out of the vibratory bandwidth of their reality, so why not grab the universe by the balls and turn the tides completely? We are always alone anyway. Alone is derived from the word all-one, which is exactly the original state of consciousness. Start speaking your mind and your truth and explain to your old friends exactly why you don't do those things anymore and why they SHOULDNT. Lead them into YOUR reality! I am sure on some level they want to leave all that behind, they are just lonely and use it to associate with other like minded people. We can be like mind and drug free. Unfortunately a broken mind can still be like minded with another broken mind. But that doesnt matter when you connect on the level of the heart. Seeing old friends as really brothers and sisters and allowing them to be exactly as they are but trying to help them see the light and change themselves. They most likely will keep to their old patterns but you NEVER KNOW!!! I have seen the biggest pot head in the world suddenly realize he was under the "veil of cannibus" and how clear reality was without drugs. Did he listen to me the years before when i told him? No. Was he a d**kh**d? Yes. But no matter- maybe a seed was planted.
Drugs are deeply ingrained into our culture. In fact I am absolutely certain that one of the primary social determining factors of what "cool" or "popular" is comes from having drug energy and entities, and courtship is also deeply ingrained in this process (getting drunk or getting high to have sex).
I think the best thing you can do throughout all of this is rigorous energy work- especially the horse stance. It doesn't seem like it at first but that burning feeling you feel in your legs during a horse stance is the entire human drama burning into ashes. Once you expand beyond it, you are free. I used to get paralyzed with anxiety and fear. Now it is impossible for me to even feel fear. Who would believe that? Lol. I am not talking "fearless" like someone who is actually really afraid but just really courageous and acts in spite of fear. I actually CANNOT feel fear, EVER because my lizard brain has been dismantled and swallowed integrated by the neocortex. I can sprint at full speed for 30 seconds without breathing and not have to catch my breath. Who would believe that? Lol. I no longer respond with adrenaline or flight or fight response to emergency situations- Who would believe that? Lol. My body doesn't even use adrenaline anymore. Of course, If I EVER needed to, I could access that level of the brain and sympathetic nervous system and it would be more effective than it ever was. But all this shit is real and it is just a small part of the transition away from reptilian-brain obsessed society.