Well, I finally bothered going doctors... I found out a lot of interesting things. At first, the doc was kind of annoying saying that this is just a severe case of chapped lips etc. Then I explained factors which could be causing this, and told him about EC. I made a rather interesting discovery. My father, who lives with us ( funny how he didn't tell me about it ) had Severe peeling lips ( to this day, he has red lips ). His got diagnosed by a test called helicobacter something. I've got a history of stomach problems ; the doctor reckons this could be causing it. Also, I've always had problems with my tonsils.... This could also be causing it. He will also test for iron deficiency and vitamin D. All my other tests were normal. So am having a whole lot of tests on monday.
Never the less, I believe my condition is probably related to my past intestinal problems. I asked my father about it yesterday... He says that he had the exact same thing :L