Re: unfortunately guys i give up!
but yes i dont for one second believe ec is just chapped lips or a wound i mean wtf if it was we would be able to fix it witha bit of lip balm and wouldnt be sitting on here now would we!
i know that ec is something its not nothing.
although my derms did say that puss and clear liquid and yellow puss like substance is just signs of the immune system trying to repair its self. they said unless its a new kind of infection/disease thats unknown whihc they highly doubt its just normal signs of skin trying to heal.
who the f***kk knows im tired of walking around with crusty lips and searching hour and hours on forums aand websites. im just going to try find a few creams here and there and try them and find a solid solution to just treating it. until someone find the majic diagnosis and cure for us all! as i do believe strongly we all have the same f***ckcing conditon thats why were all on this fufckcckking forum!
i must find a solution so i can try live a normalish life unfortunatelty it will never be fully the same or happy unless ec leaves.
anyways my friend i will hang out on forum for few more days while in hospital!